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- INFO-HAMS Digest Sun, 17 Dec 89 Volume 89 : Issue 1032
- Today's Topics:
- 6m opening
- Broadband Antennas
- Can we all grow up?
- Ham Tickets
- Interpretation of the rules (Or... the Lone Ranger rides again)
- rec.radio.shortwave "invite"
- spelling
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------
- Date: 17 Dec 89 18:28:50 GMT
- From: kchen@apple.com (Kok Chen)
- Subject: 6m opening
- Message-ID: <37343@apple.Apple.COM>
- There was an amazing (imho :-) 6m opening between the SF Bay Area and
- Japan Saturday (Dec. 16) at about 2300Z.
- I first stumbled on it when I heard a JA call CQ at about 2310Z. As I
- scanned the band between 50.1 and 50.15, there were JAs everywhere! So
- I picked a pileup and listened in on a local furiously working them.
- I only have a 1 meter piece of wire (proverbial wet string) connected to an
- Icom R-7000, and I was getting many of the JAs at S5 on the (very scotch)
- meter. (With very little sky noise, even an S2 signal is 100% readable
- with the set-up.)
- About 15 minutes later, the band fell dead again. 10m was not especially
- spectacular in the same time period. Is this one of the tropo openings??
- Some of the grids heard were QM05,QM08 and PM94 (drool, drool :-).
- Some of the prefixes that came through, like JG1 and JE1, I have not heard
- on HF before. Are these the "no-code" Japanese licenses? I must say that
- a 6m pileup is infinitely more civilized than, say, a typical 20m pileup. And,
- if some of those gentlefolks were no-code types, what does this say about
- the argument that the absence of code proficiency invites the riff-raff?
- My first taste of 6m DX and all I could do was to sit by silently, cursing
- the Friendly Candy Company for not having processed my 610 yet. QLF!
- Any other areas experienced the opening?
- Kok Chen kchen@apple.COM
- Apple Computer, Inc.
- ------------------------------
- Date: 17 Dec 89 08:28:37 GMT
- From: shelby!neon!Neon.Stanford.EDU!kaufman@decwrl.dec.com (Marc T. Kaufman)
- Subject: Broadband Antennas
- Message-ID: <1989Dec17.082837.10083@Neon.Stanford.EDU>
- I have a nice site (2100', 7 acres), but zoning height restrictions (35'
- unless I want to pay big bux for a variance). Also, I am lazy. So I am
- thinking about broadband antennas. Specifically, I have seen ads for the
- Barker and Williamson AC 3.5-30, and the Garant GD-9. Both are long wire
- dipoles (windom in the case of Garant) with 'magic' matching networks.
- Does anyone have any experience with one or both of these things? Alternate
- antler theories will also be considered.
- Marc Kaufman, WB6ECE (kaufman@Neon.stanford.edu)
- ------------------------------
- Date: Sun, 17 Dec 89 13:27:52 EST
- From: Michael_Edelman%Wayne-MTS@um.cc.umich.edu
- Subject: Can we all grow up?
- Message-ID: <188733@Wayne-MTS>
- Info-Hams used to be a fantastic source of information for everyone from
- old timers to beginners. Now it's 90% flames that belong in private
- exchanges, insults and blow-offs to newcomers and endless rehashes of
- long-settled trivial $#%$^%&%^. Before I decide it's not worth it anymore,
- can we agree to keep it a friendly, informative forum? If not, perhaps
- those of us not prone to flames can ask Keith to set up a seperate Info-Flamers
- list and just automatically direct the offenders there.
- --mike ke8yy
- michael_edelman%Wayne-MTS@um.cc.umich.edu
- medelman@waynest1
- ...and here's a vote for shorter, less political trailers... :)
- ------------------------------
- Date: 17 Dec 89 09:03:01 GMT
- From: snorkelwacker!usc!zaphod.mps.ohio-state.edu!uwm.edu!marque!lakesys!tim@BLOOM-BEACON.MIT.EDU (Timothy Winslow)
- Subject: Ham Tickets
- Message-ID: <1429@lakesys.lakesys.com>
- I don't know if anyone has ever observed this, or if anyone is really interested
- in knowing a little trival thing like this, but every Ham Ticket I have seen
- printed in the past few years have all been printed on a Tuesday! Look at
- the date of your Ticket, see if it was issued on a Tuesday.
- Timothy Winslow/N9ICD
- tim@lakesys.lakesys.com
- or:
- uunet!marque!lakesys!tim
- or:
- csd4.csd.uwm.edu!lakesys.lakesys.com!tim
- ------------------------------
- Date: Sun, 17 Dec 89 14:07:38 EST
- From: mgb@apg-tecnet.apg.army.mil
- Subject: Interpretation of the rules (Or... the Lone Ranger rides again)
- Message-ID: <8912171907.AA09012@apg-tecnet.apg.army.mil>
- snorkelwacker!usc!cs.utexas.edu!asuvax!stjhmc!f1.n234.z1.fidonet.org
- !Jim.Grubs@BLOOM-BEACON.MIT.EDU (Jim Grubs) writes:
- <previous posting deleted>
- <Jim explains his motivations for posting what he does about amateur regs>
- >For one very simple reason -- when a few flout the regs, ALL of us suffer
- >the consequences. The FCC commonly responds to regulatory abuses in ham
- >radio by banning it for everyone. In the past, there was the "Eyebank Net"
- >flap, the fallout of which seriously impairs public service projects to
- >this very day. The present "20 meter letter" inquiry is a case in point.
- >You watch, because of a few scofflaws, we'll lose 3rd party traffic. Because
- >of RAIN and ARF, we may lose bulletin transmission.
- Let us for a moment assume that you are the source of "TRUTH AND WISDOM"
- instead of "ARF", (seems like a territorial dispute to me) what have your
- numerous postings of the "you are not allowed to do this, you are not
- allowed to do that" type done to prevent your prediction from coming true?
- If you think that there is some silent majority out there cheering you on,
- then you are sadly mistaken. The only person giving you support is Dube Todd
- who was another person that went off trying to say that someone was breaking
- the law by asking for military daily use callsigns. He happened to be wrong
- but "his heart was in the right place" right? Your postings do more to
- harden the resolve of these people than prevent anything. When you make a
- person mad, they don't usually go out of their way to re-examine their
- beliefs, they get hard headed. So even in the off chance that you are
- correct on ANY issue, your postings are NEVER going to accomplish your
- stated objective.
- >Let's use an analogy -- how long would hobby aviation last if the Sunday
- >fliers insisted that their private pilot's license gives them the authority
- >to carry passengers who don't "pay" fares but who give presents or free will
- >donations? What's the harm? My interpretation of the rules is good enough
- >for me, and if I get caught, I'll take my lumps.
- Interesting analogy Jim. A Private Pilot ticket allows you to "share" the
- expense of a trip with your passengers. You can not be "chartered" to go
- someplace (i.e. hired) but you are allowed to accept monetary donations
- towards the expense of the trip. So what is the exact amount that you are
- allowed to accept? If you tell me that I can only accept 50% of the actual
- fuel cost, and I say that I will accept 70% of the fuel cost because I am
- also considering the time on the engine towards overhaul, the averaged cost
- of avionics repair, the cost of tie downs at the destination, etc., etc.,
- then who is right and who is wrong? Neither of us really, since the key to
- the issue is that I was going to the destination anyway and I was not
- specifically hired or chartered by the passenger to do so ahead of time.
- But here is where we get to the root of your postings. YOU have read the
- RULES and have gotten a meaning out of them that I didn't get. Who died
- and decided that YOUR OPINION or INTERPRETATION is always right? You ALWAYS
- come across as being the torch behind all truth and wisdom. If anybody
- disagrees with YOU then they are against amateur radio!
- >I'm not trying to be a newsgroup nuisance. I'm trying to save my hobby from
- >being ruined by a bunch of scofflaws who think doing things by the book
- >isn't "now", who think obeying the law is an infringement on their personal
- >liberties.
- Well I will not comment on being a "newsgroup nuisance". However your
- comments on saving YOUR hobby really get to the root of this issue. It
- is not YOUR hobby Jim, it is OUR hobby. It is obvious that you think that
- amateur radio is a personal possession by many of the things you say and
- the postings that you make. The problem is that you just can't convince
- the rest of us that YOU own it! The problem boils down to the fact that
- you are deciding what people are "scofflaws", and who is "doing things
- by the book" and who isn't. You believe that if anyone ever disagrees
- with your interpretation of a rule, then they are hell bent for leather
- out to destroy "your" hobby. Do you yell "HI YO SILVER AWAY" before you
- write a letter for info-hams or packet-radio?
- But like ARF, RAIN, DEATH, and TAXES, I will just have to get used to you,
- since there doesn't seem to be anything I can do about it. Are you mad yet?
- You are? Then think closely about how willing you are RIGHT NOW to consider
- whether any of the above is true. Get the point? What you write tends to
- make people MAD! It rarely makes them THINK, it just makes them MAD, and
- when that happens the usual goal of the reader is to cause the same effect
- right back at you. This starts a back and forth flame battle that sometimes
- goes on for a month or more.. then it finally dies down and then BANGO you
- write another posting and up goes the FLAME flag again! Do you consider
- this to be CONSTRUCTIVE?
- What you apparently fail to understand Jim is that there is room for more
- than your personal interpretations of the rules. What you fail to understand
- is that you could be very wrong on some issues. What you fail to understand
- is that "your cure" can sometimes be worse than the disease, especially if
- you happen to be wrong. What you fail to understand is that disagreeing
- with you is not a DEFACTO rebellion against law and order!
- I guess simply said Jim, YOU JUST FAIL TO UNDERSTAND..... PERIOD!
- Mark Bitterlich
- mgb@apg-tecnet.apg.army.mil
- ------------------------------
- Date: 17 Dec 89 12:42:58 GMT
- From: kgreer@mcnc.org (Ken Greer)
- Subject: rec.radio.shortwave "invite"
- Message-ID: <1523@speedy.mcnc.org>
- In article <1989Dec16.173121.1943@NCoast.ORG> allbery@ncoast.ORG (Brandon S. Allbery) writes:
- >
- >Consider this a re-invitation to rec.radio.shortwave. Sure, there are flaming
- >dweebs out there... so what's new? I've seen some flaming dweebs working
- >*this* newsgroup too. And every other unmoderated newsgroup I've read as well.
- >Ignore them; they're not the only ones out there.
- >Brandon S. Allbery allbery@NCoast.ORG, BALLBERY (MCI Mail), ALLBERY (Delphi)
- Thanks Brandon. I'm not a ham; I stick to swl'ing. I can understand an
- irritation from some "locals" that a newgroup should stick to its founding
- premise, ham'img, rather than being infested by swl-only-stuff. From what
- I've seen over the last few weeks, this has not been the case, IMHO. Does
- anyone object to someone like myself who asks a question about antennas? I
- would hope not, this being such a common thing to ham & swl. But I can
- understand getting ticked off about postings of VOA/BBC/RM loggings, etc.
- in rec.ham-radio. Like in so many other groups, there those who will do
- dumb, obnoxious things. That's nothing new to usenet, as you and many others
- well know. As an swl, I would like to ask that swl's respect the rec.ham-radio
- newsgroup "members", their charter and intentions. Personally, though, I
- would not be annoyed with ham postings in swl. There's always going to be
- some overlap - just look at 40(41) meters :^)
- Kim Greer
- klg@orion.mc.duke.edu
- ------------------------------
- Date: 17 Dec 89 07:47:38 GMT
- From: tank!cps3xx!usenet@handies.ucar.edu (Usenet file owner)
- Subject: spelling
- Message-ID: <5819@cps3xx.UUCP>
- In article <17453@rpp386.cactus.org> jeremy@rpp386.UUCP (Jeremy S. Anderson) writes:
- > There are two major products of Berkley, CA -- LSD and UNIX. We don't
- >belive this to be strictly by coincidence.
- >Jeremy S. Anderson jeremy@rpp386.cactus.org LostIn, TX
- The correct spelling is Berkeley.
- ^
- In the rare case that original ideas Kenneth J. Hendrickson N8DGN
- are found here, I am responsible. Owen W328, E. Lansing, MI 48825
- Internet: kjh@usc.edu UUCP: ...!uunet!usc!pollux!kjh
- ------------------------------
- End of INFO-HAMS Digest V89 Issue #1032
- ***************************************